Hola. I'm happy to announce me having a chance to join the Push/Pull team with my Intro to Comic Diaries with Yawatta class.
Hone your comics craft by creating your very own comics diary!
Each week we'll draw snippets of our day in a comic diary. I'll teach you how to draw yourself and how to pick your moments. With this class, you don't need to be an artist to enjoy yourself. Just have a story to tell and the courage to put it down on paper. This class is perfect for those who've always wanted to make comics but have had trouble getting started.
For 4-weeks, students will set time aside to work on their comic diaries. Face the blank page, practice your craft, and build your self-confidence as an artist!
Dates are Oct 18-Nov 8
4-7 PM PST (Seattle)
Gathering on Zoom
Hope to see ya there!
To join or to read more information, please go to: http://www.simpletix.com/e/intro-to-comic-diaries-with-yawatta-tickets-145926
Keep smiling,
Yawatta Hosby